We are a Kansas City based company established in 1999. We have designed several
innovative products for various demographic groups including those who are hard of hearing.
We now focus primarily on products that assist the hard of hearing, especially those with
high frequency hearing loss (this includes a
very large segment of the over-65 population).
Be sure to check out
link describing the desperate need for seniors to have better smoke alarms.
We are located in Overland Park, KS (near the KC Metro area). We sell to the general public via mail order and also deliver products via our various authorized resellers and distributors. We are proud to count the US Veteran's Administration, several state, county, and city governments, audiologists, fire departments and dozens of nonprofit organizations across the USA as our customers.
Our staff includes a senior electronic engineer with over 30 years experience (MS, EE), a mechanical engineer, a degreed software / e-commerce team, and experienced business administrators. We're pleased to have a full time firefighter on staff as well.
We have a small production facility in the area and continue to provide a line of reliable, powerful, potentially life preserving products.
All our devices are manufactured in the USA and are hand inspected by expert personnel.
We thank you in advance for your business.
Don't hesitate to
contact us if you have questions.

Owners note.
I would like to say a sincere Thank You to our Canadian customers. We have appreciated your
business over the years.

We're proud to be a medical equipment provider for the U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs, including Iowa City, Temple TX,
Columbia SC, Tuscaloosa AL, Milwaukee WI, White River VT VAMC and others. Thank you for your business.

We are honored to be a contractor for the U.S. government including contract
awards and product approval by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and federal grant procurement by
States including California and Nebraska.

Matthew Darrow

The Darrow Company
Overland Park, KS 66212
Dear Abby calls for better smoke alarm.
Our products are intuitive, easy to use and don't require special wiring or installation.
Typical, store-bought smoke alarms use a tiny, high pitched speaker which is difficult for many people to hear. Our smoke alarms make a loud, deep tone.