HOME - Low pitch fire alarm for deep sleepers and high frequency loss Loud, Low Frequency Smoke Alarms    
For High Frequency Loss and Deep Sleepers
"When 9 volt battery alarms aren't enough."

A typical smoke alarm makes a very high pitched noise. This piercing sound is ideal for people with normal hearing. But for people with high frequency hearing loss (especially many seniors) this sound is beyond their hearing range which means:   they may hear only a faint beeping even at close range, or they may hear nothing at all.

A popular Dear Abby article makes note of this deficiency in typical alarms.   See the original article here.

The Loudenlow makes a lower frequency tone which is much easier for many people to hear.   The pitch is around Middle C (250Hz) and carries throughout a house better.

Hear it now.

Frequency Friendly
About 250Hz - around "Middle C".   Easier to hear than store-bought alarms.  Listen now
Considerably louder than regular alarms.   Uses 6 inch speaker.
Easy To Install
Mounts to any wall with one screw.
No Wiring
    Fully battery powered.   6 "AA"s generate over 1,000 milliamps
Reasonably priced
Less than many comparable products.   See the order page for current specials.
Easy to order
Order online or via mail by check, money order or credit card.

30 day return policy.
3 year limited warranty.